Welcome to the Keas Project Manager (version 1.0.2004.09.14).
Important! GOLD Release!
The application's homepage: KeasPrjMngr
Files can be downloaded from the SourceForge page:
Bugs, feedback, comments are always appreciated. You can use the links below.
The purpose of this application (KPM) is to provide a desktop application that
will allow software developers an easy way to track a project, it's features, to
dos and changes. Also, several scripts (Perl and PHP) will be provided to help get the
project(s) online. And if the user has a website, with a protected MySQL database
(like I do) then the KPM Will use either a Perl or PHP api to synchronize the
two databases. But I am putting the cart before the horse.
Java Runtime Enviornment or SDK (1.4+ recommended.)
MySQL Database that is accessible via network/internet connection.
Winzip, Stuffit, tar, gzip, gunzip etc... Basically so you can upack the files.
Most of the necessary libraries and classes are included. Everything is in a folder called libs.
You will need to move the jars to someplace on your hard drive and set the classpath for them. However, the javahelp docs are
not included. I am including a link to the download for JavaHelp.
Get JavaHelp
Your first stop should be the Help.html file included in the archive. It contains installation and usage
details that just are not covered in this readme. To use the program, obviously, you will want to run the app. From console or
command line, type (using the src): java PrjMain That will launch the application. If it's your
first start, you should be prompted with a configuration window. Fill it in. The
click Projects, Viewer to see projects in the database. If you haven't setup the
database, click Database, then click each menu item, in order. (This sequence
presumes that you have an installed, working database.) From here, you can add
projects and items at will. If you are using the JAR file, you could double click on it,
most operating systems will support that behavior, or from a command line: java -jar KeasPrj.jar
Please be aware that there is still a lot to be done to this application. Treat
this as a bleeding edge release, that almost certainly has bugs, errors and
things that flat out don't work. In fact, let's go to the list of things